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September 18th, 2008


Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 18th, 2008
6:30 pm

In Attendance:  Rob DeRosier (V.Chair), Betsy Horne, Adam Segal, Nick Lewis, John Hayes

Members not in attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rick Nye, Jeff Barz-Snell

City Staff:  Tom Watkins

Invitees:  Dinah Cardin and Andrea Leary of North Shore Transportation Management Assoc. (NSTMA)

All those in attendance introduced themselves.  Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended for the month of August.  

North Shore TMA Presentation
Andrea and Dinah introduced themselves and stated that their organization began in July and that they are looking forward to working with all of Salem’s “green” organizations and groups.  Rob said the key to this presentation is learning what the TMA does and how the renewable Energy Task Force (RETF) may be of help.  It was stated that the TMA promotes alternatives to transportation and in doing so, helping to create a better environment.  

Primary funding for the TMA comes from the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMPO).  The TMA also receives additional funding from the City of Salem and Sylvania.  They are also hoping to receive funding from Dominion Energy as well.  The TMA is recruiting more member funding organizations due to the fact that after three years, the TMA has to be self sustaining.  

The TMA recently launched their website and Tom will be working with Dinah to link their site to the City’s website,  Many of the services and programs, such as the Guaranteed Ride Program, are listed on their website.  The Guaranteed Ride Program guarantees an individual a ride home should they carpool and not be able to ride home with the same carpool.  The TMA is working to create a database which sets people up with car pooling buddies who live in their area.  Dinah also mentioned the Green To Work Program in which the TMA will start paying people to alternatively commute to work beginning in January.  Andrea said the TMA will also host recognition events to recognize those who partake in the program.  

Rob asked how the RETF may be of assistance.  Should they focus on one particular program, such as bus transportation, and help to promote it?  Rob also wondered if the members of the RETF can help by promoting the TMA at their own individual companies/organizations.       

Green Building Ordinance
It was discussed whether or not there was a need to create a subcommittee to further explore the creation of a Green Building Ordinance in the City.  Rob did not feel the need for a subcommittee.  At this point in time, the group thought it best to explore how other cities/towns went about creating their ordinance.  Tom will begin to look into this.  Betsy will also email group some green building press articles.   

Haunted Happenings Parade & Other Business
It was voted that the group would like to partake in this year’s parade but no one was sure what to exactly do.  It was also acknowledged that it may not be possible at this time to put something together for the parade.  

Adam Segal volunteered to serve as the Alternate Member of the RETF.  The group formally voted Adam as their Alternate Member.   

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm